Игорь Рассоха
Апология софистов
Релятивизм как онтологическая система
Relativism as an ontological system of beliefs.
The relativist principle of relativity of all that exists is fundamental for
the entire system of philosophy. Absolutely everything exists, but, at the same
time, no existence is absolute. Anything is possible, but those entities only
exist for us with which we interact this way or another, i. e., reality is
interaction, “I interact – hence, I exist”. However, an overly close
relationship between entities leads to non-existence – in other words, there is
a certain existential optimum. For all of us, information, or perceptible
heterogeneities, is real.
Each of us is the center of a definite system of interactions with the world. If
God is an endless Possibility, then the World is but the man’s dialogue with God.
However, the ties that bind us with the world are of some definite kind, which
predetermines our reality. The principle of relativity constrains itself, as any
relativity is relative. On the one hand, that calls forth the Evil – caused by
our own weakness. On the other hand, it makes our world relatively stable and
cognizable. Generally speaking, the world is what we are.
Everybody has an own Universe, but since people are fairly similar, our
universes can be regarded as one Universe with common laws and regulations. It
is possible for us to change the degree of objects’ existence in relation to
ourselves and one another. It is equally important, though, to remain ourselves
(keep following our “warrior’s path”).
Since everything exists and no existence is absolute, the process of cognition
should involve a criticism of everything but never a complete rebuttal of
anything. The criterion of verity for any theory then is in its capacity to
build itself upon a bigger number of diverse statements than in any other theory.
Theoretically, all philosophies should ideally be complementary.
The question of what in fact happened is meaningless unless we specify the “we”,
the “where” and the “when”. The past can only exist as part of the present. When
we change, our past undergoes corresponding qualitative objective changes, all
of which are irreversible.
The contemporary physics regards all objects of the Universe as existing for one
another, which results in absurd conclusions. In fact, only what we interact
with, exists. The so called “speed of light in vacuum” c is the maximum speed of
direct interaction and direct exchange of signals. Specifically, at the oncoming
speed c with a significant blue parallax the gamma-quantum is unable to interact
with the matter. When this speed is reached, the gravitational mass of objects
in relation to one another becomes equal to zero (imaginary), whereas their
inertial mass equals infinity. Further acceleration will bring us into an
entirely different Universe. That means that the Universe is an open system,
which fact destroys all present-day cosmological models.
Anything is possible in this world. Our reality is magic. Every bit of space
contains a potentially limitless number of bits of other, however virtual,
universes, as well as an infinite number of particles, which are still virtual
for us (as postulated by quantum mechanics). In other words, there exists an
infinity of different realities.
With all the above in mind, the different levels of entities’ existence, in
particular, of Life and Reason, should be taken into consideration. For example,
to which extent a live system exists in relation to the inanimate forms of being
is very indefinite, as what life is has to be determined by living creatures. An
even greater compass of levels of existence can be brought about through
interaction – that is the core idea of Godel’s theorem. As a result, the range
of forms of existence tends towards infinity – the evolution of matter through
super-intelligence will bring us up to God’s heights.
A more generalized mathematical model of the physical world, including a
universal operator of the co-existence of objects, can be developed based on the
above considerations. The bonds between objects become weaker owing to 1) a high
speed, 2) acceleration, 3) rotation, 4) strong gravity, 5) strong fields of
other kinds, 6) the difference of levels of existence , 7) phase shifts. Yet,
there always is an existential optimum. Such mathematical model is to operate
certain non-transitive algebras.
Relativist ontology assumes that the notion of “temperature” is relative, thus
making it possible to ignore the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In its turn, that
will allow for phase shifts. A perpetual motion machine of the second type will
become a reality. Rotation could presumably
be used to increase inertial and decrease gravitational mass, slowing down the
time. An experimental research could shed light on the mentioned effects.
Вернуться к оглавлению
Рассоха И.Н. Апология софистов. Релятивизм как онтологическая система.
Харьков. 2007.
Книга для публикации в ХРОНОСе предоставлена автором.
Здесь читайте:
Философы, любители мудрости
(биографический указатель).
национальная философия в трудах ее создателей
(сборник произведений).
"Философская культура" №1.
"Философская культура" №2.
"Философская культура" №3.